HALLMARK “Mother Bird”

In Leo Burnett Chicago's spot for Hallmark, "Motherbird," the "empty nest" metaphor is taken literally as we watch a baby Robin hatch, grow and fly off to find her independence. The birds were created entirely in CG.

We enter the very private life of a mother Robin raising her only chick. The aim was to recreate specific moments through animated animal behavior that conveyed human emotion so that the viewer would easily identify and feel compassion for the birds. This commercial won several awards including a CLIO and an AICP award.


  • Yann Mabille

  • Leo Burnett Chicago

  • The Mill NY

  • Ryan McKenna

  • The Mill NY

  • Big Foote

  • Damien Van Der Cruyssen

  • Mark Yates


Penny Dreadful "Just like you"